30+ ways to support your mental, emotional and physical health during Covid 19 Coronavirus Pandemic

During this time, when we face a major pandemic in the whole world, we need to focus on 5 important things.
- Stay informed from the right sources, but do not panic for the sake of panic only. Worrying will never change the situation! We recommend starting here: Alberta Healthcare Service and the Alberta Government.
- Respect the instructions from authorities ( washing your hands, keeping physical distance, clean areas, stay at home)
- Take care of the mental, emotional and physical health of your family and yourself
- Be creative, and find new solutions to current problems.
- Be kind and help others as much as you can
How to unstack from fear or overcome fear during Covid 19 pandemic?
It is all about our mental health; what we put in our mind is vital for our mental health as much as what we eat and drink will determine our body health. While we have to stay home more often, and we have to keep our physical distance from our friends and family, it is essential to know how to maintain our physical and emotional health.
Here are some practical ways to maintain your physical, emotional and mental health during Covid 19 pandemic.
- keep a daily routine
- stay informed from the right sources
- stay connected to friends and family while being apart
- start to think of how you can use this situation to grow, develop and learn
- do something fun or relaxing every day
- find reasons to laugh
- keep a journal with all the things that you are thankful for
- do sports daily, even if it involves just walking up and down your stairs a few times a day
- dress up for work when you work from home
- find creative ways to relax
- sleep 8 hours/ night
- learn something new every day
- challenge yourself to do things better, and you can publish these achievements on the social media platforms
- drink 2-4 litres of water a day
- continue daily oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing your teeth
- call, text or video chat at least one person a day and share with them a nice memory and how much they mean for you
- think of ways you can help your friends, family or neighbours if they get infected with Covid 19, like delivering shoppings or medicines
- daily cleaning the most touched areas in your house and car ( phones, keyboards, light switches, doors, etc.)
- open your windows for at least 10 minutes/day and let the fresh air come in
- avoid junk food and try some new ingredients or different veggies or fruits that you do not normally eat, you can also search online for different food recipes that you do not have every day, or that is not part of your culture and tradition
- read a good book
- pray or meditate
- listen to some good music
- share some of your favourite stories with your children/grandchildren or friends
- teach someone else something you are great at
- ask yourself daily – how can I make things better at my job, for my family, for society? You may be surprised what great ideas you may have
- play a board game with your family
- build something with your own hands – you can start with origami or any other crafts, paintings, or sculptures etc.
- write a poem, article, novel or song
- watch a documentary or listen to a Ted Talk on a topic that you like
- search for the great things that happen all around us daily
Yes, you may be scared of this pandemic, but do not let the fear stop you from achieving your dreams, from learning something new, becoming the best at something or just being kind.
Protect your mental, emotional and physical health to help flatten the curve and prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus, and you will also protect the health of your friends and family.
What we do daily is essential; our habits will determine who we will become at the end of this challenging situation.
Here is a nice example of a way in which a father spend some quality time with his daughter while bringing joy and hope to their friends and family and not only. You can do the same or even better.
And here is one more inspirational video from 31 of Nashville’s Studio Singers using their cell phones during Nashville’s Safer at Home order to record and lift their collective voices to share a message of hope and encouragement during these challenging days.
If you have small children and you are out of ideas of what you can do with them while stuck at home, here is a nice youtube channel we recommend for very creative and educational ideas for all children.
We are sure you may find many other creative ways to cope with this situation that affects everyone. Feel free to share some of them with us.

Dental Emergencies during Covid 19 Pandemic
If during this time, you experience any facial trauma, toothache, gum inflammation, broken teeth, crowns or dentures, tooth infection or any other tooth sensitivity, please feel free to call our dental office in SW Calgary at (403)-242-5900. Our dentist Dr Violet Newman or our receptionist Allison will gladly talk to you on the phone and help you determine if what you experience it is a dental emergency.
You can also try our online assessment here!
If you are considered to be a dental emergency, we will help you find the best moment for you to come to our office and have that dental issue addressed adequately. If you need any medication, our dentist will let you know and will help you get the right treatment prior to or after the dental treatment based on your situation.
In case what you experience is not considered a dental emergency, we can not provide dental treatment for you right now. During this challenging crisis, we can only treat dental emergencies, according to the Alberta Dental Association and College regulations. We will make sure to contact you later on when things settle down a bit, and we get back to normal.
Meanwhile, we assure you that we screen all our staff and patients according to ADAC regulations during this time and we make sure to keep all areas clean, to protect your health.
Stay home and stay safe during this pandemic, and help us stop spreading the virus and flattening the curve on our health system.
We are here to serve you, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your oral health.
Phone: (403)-242-5900
E-mail: info@lakeviewdentalcentre.com