Do you know how you can have your crown done in one appointment?
Did you know that at Lakeview Dental Centre in SW Calgary, Dr. Newman can make crowns, or “caps”, in just one visit using CEREC? If you have ever had a crown before, you know that it normally takes at least two appointments to be completed, but sometimes longer it didn’t come out just right. Now we can make them right in office so you know you are walking out with a perfect fit!
One of their greatest benefits to CEREC restorations is that they don’t wear out prematurely – and they don’t cause the opposing teeth to wear out prematurely either.
The finished CEREC porcelain ceramic crowns are bonded directly onto the tooth, which means that more of your own healthy tooth is saved and your teeth are now stronger than before!
Give us a call to book your appointment today!
#CEREC is a good preventative treatment for adults who already have extensive mercury fillings and children who already have decay in permanent teeth. It is the best preventive treatment because it allows restoration of your teeth with the strongest, longest lasting tooth-coloured material available, with the least amount of your own tooth structure having to be removed. Your tooth is literally reconstructed with porcelain ceramic.
At Lakeview Dental Centre we use different types of dental ceramics to fabricate your CEREC restoration based on your individual need. Dental ceramic is not only a highly esthetic choice to repair or replace your teeth, but could offer unparalleled strength, resistance to stains and biocompatibility, meaning that is very well tolerated by your body.
Contact us today and we can help determine if this is a suited treatment for you or not.
What is more important for you? Time or Health?
What do you think is the most important for you, the amount of time you spend on the dentist office and the number of appointments you need till the restoration is finished and when it needs a lot of time you tend to avoid, to postpone or even to ignore a treatment? Or do you believe that your health is the most important asset of yours and you are willing to do everything it is need it so all your health will be restored?
If you think the tension between time and health is to hard to manage, you should stop worrying about it and make an appointment for CEREC restorations. In only one visit that teeth is fully restored and in 2 hours your are done, you can enjoy your life and you have no more problems regarding eating or hiding your smile.
But you should also remember you do not need to choose any more between time and health, because with CEREC crowns you can have both!
At #LakeviewDentalCentre we appreciate your time and restore your oral health, providing you with the highest technologies. You can have your crowns custom designed and fabricated in just one visit. You do not need to come more than just one visit for one crown.
Try it yourself!
Call now for an appointment 403.242.5900
#CEREC #Crowns #Dentist